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Wyman Jacque General Manager Torngait Services Inc.

Wyman has more than 25 years’ experience in Financial Accounting and/or Senior Management positions in the public and private sector. He is a graduate of the Business Management Accounting Program at the Cabot Institute of Applied Arts and Technology (now known as CNA).

Most recently, Wyman was Town Manager of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Prior to that role, he was deputy minister of Finance, Human Resources, and Technology in the Nunatsiavut Government. Wyman was also part of the group of Nunatsiavut Government officials who established the Labrador Inuit Capital Strategy Trust.

In his role as general manager of Torngait Services Inc., Wyman oversees NGC’s partnership with ATCO and the operation of the site services agreement with Vale at Voisey’s Bay. He also leads TSI’s business opportunities initiatives, as well as overseeing the company’s extensive recruitment and training programs.


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